Before you start out on a long distance ride, you must ensure that the bicycle you plan to ride on is of the right fit for you. If you want to have an enjoyable ride, read up about the kind of touring bicycles that are good for long distance ride as you will be required to carry a pannier for tools, spare tubes, food, drinks and other stuff that you may need on the journey.
If you expect that it will rain at places that you will be cycling to, be prepared for it. Make sure that you properly dressed for your ride.
However, if you plan to travel overseas on your bicycle, it maybe a good idea to consider getting a folding bike for ease of moving it on public transport. Find out how you can ship it internationally.
Do you have the stamina for it? Learn how you can build it up. You should also learn how to ride so that you will not tire yourself out sooner than you should. Cycling in bicycle-friendly countries can also reduce the stress of long distance rides.
Learn how to service your bicycle regularly and how to figure out what is wrong with it so that it can be maintained to run efficiently. The very basic that you must know is how to change your tyres and tubes.
For your own safety, make the following checks before you start your ride.
Checklist before going on a bike ride
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