Usually customers on the heavier side are concern about its width when they consider buying road bikes. Hybrids also run 700C slick tyres which are wider than 23C and with deeper threads.
They are not installed with drop down handlebar that you see on road bikes. So, cyclists who like riding on larger wheels with slick tyres would prefer to buy a hybrid if they do not like the idea of bending forward to ride. Hybrids are similar to touring bicycles except that the later are installed with heavy duty front and rear carriers for carrying bags or panniers.
Unlike the road bike, for a hybrid you have the option to choose one installed with suspension.
A 700C tyre is there about 28-29” in diameter. Some brands have markings on their 700C tyres and tubes to indicate their size in inches. Example, a Schwalbe 700X35C tube can also be used on a 28X1 5/8-1 3/8” tyre, as indicated on the tube.
While you cannot change a 700C slick tyre to a knobby type as there is none in that size in the market, it is possible to change knobby tyres, usually installed on a MTB, to ones that are slick.
So, if you like the idea of riding a bicycle with a large wheel diameter and slick tyres, you can consider buying a 29” MTB and change both the tyres to slick type for speed, if that is what you are aiming for. This should take away your fears of riding on skinny tyres.
Some customers buy a second wheelset for their MTBs to install slick tyres so that they can use them as and when required by interchanging wheels. But it can be costly as you have to also install another set of freewheel or cassette if it is a geared bike.
You can also change the upright handlebar on your hybrid to the drop down type but you will also have to change your brake levers.
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